Admissions & Tuitions
Currently Accepting Students
We'd love to have you join us!
Are you applying for a TK or Kindergarten student? Please follow the steps below and download the TK/Kindergarten Admissions Packet.
- Apply Online Now
- Complete and submit application packet
- Arrange payment with Business Office
Grades 1-12
Are you applying for a student in grades 1-12? Please follow the steps below and download the Grades 1-12 Admissions Packet.
- Apply Online Now
- Complete and submit application packet, including transcripts/records requests
- Arrange payment with Business Office
Apply or re-enroll here.
International Students
We are working with StudentRoomStay to provide housing.
For more information, click here.
If you would like additional information about the admission process, or to obtain an application, contact [email protected].
Affordable Christian Education
We work hard to be inclusive + affordable.
San Diego Academy’s tuition is affordable with many of our families receiving needs-based financial aid.
See Tuition and Fees

SDA Subsidized Rates
These rates are available to members of our local Seventh-day Adventist churches. Needs-based financial aid is also available to eligible families.
Tuition per student
1 Student
2 Students
3+ Students
Grades TK/K-6
Grades 7-8
Grades 9-11
Grade 12
Regular Rates
These rates are available to all families regardless of religious affiliation. Needs-based financial aid is also available to eligible families.
Tuition per student
1 Student
2 Students
3+ Students
Grades TK/K-6
Grades 7-8
Grades 9-11
Grade 12
Registration Fees
$255 per student
$315 per student
$255 per student
Grades 1-6
$255 per student
Grade 7
$315 per student
Grades 8-11
$435 per student
Grade 12
Other Fees
$5/portion of an hour per student
$8/portion of an hour per student